Strigil, a tool for cleansing and scrubbing the body after anointing with oil, inscribed in Greek POYΦOC TAPCEYC EΠOIEI “= Rufus of Tarsos made it”. Saul of Tarsos, known as St. Paul, had a brother named Rufus (a rare Roman name at that area). First century, Roman period

Site item id


Collection name
Oded Golan Collection
Item period
Early Roman

A Strigil (a tool for cleaning and scrubbing the body after anointing with oil), with a Greek inscription POYΦOC TAPCEYC EΠOIEI ("Rupus of Tarsus did this").

It is worth noting that Shaul of Tarsus (Shaul of Tarsus known as St. Paul) had a brother named Rufus (a Roman name, which was rare in that region) (Romans 16:13), so there is a probability that the object can be associated with the brother of Shaul (Paul the Apostle), the brother of Rufus. First century, Roman period.

See: "Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother, who has been a mother to me, too". (Greetings to Rufus, chosen by the Lord, and to his mother who is like a mother to me., Epistle of Saul/Paul to the Romans chapter 16:13).

Discovered in the sea, apparently in front of Caesarea. (Formerly in the Handler collection).